The film Padmavati was strongly opposed throughout the country. But the film has broken records of many films as soon as it is released. Now Deepika Padukone has left Priyanka Chopra in the case of popularity in the matter. Deepika and Priyanka are also included in a survey on Followers and Popularity on social media. But the point of attention is that in this list Deepika is at number three and Priyanka is 8th in the list.
Priyanka has been quite popular in Hollywood over the past few years. But surprisingly, it is astonishing for Priyanka Chopra's fans that despite Padmavat's controversy, Deepika has got very populerity not only in the country but also abroad.
Apart from this, he has also done a film with Vin Diesel. Because of this, he has beaten Piggy Chops in the case of popularity. According to reports, according to 'The Hollywood Reporters', the top 10 rankings are given in the 'Most Popular Actors' charts, given the popularity on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus.
Deepika Padukone is in third place, while Priyanka Chopra has got 8th rank. First number is Dwayne Johnson. Recent films by actors have increased their fan-followings across the world. He has done films like Jumanji 2, Jurassic Park, Beauchatch, The Fate of the Furious, San Andreas.
Kevin Hart on the second list, Bobby Brown on the fourth, Will Smith on the fifth, Dave Cameron on the sixth, Jennifer Lopez on the seventh, Cheek carrots on the ninth and the tenth Noah snap.